Christmas in July Competition Winner

July 25, 2008

Each Tuesday in July, I wrote about a different aspect of being prepared for Christmas. Some parts may help with your Christmas in July celebrations and some may just get you thinking about December. I hope you enjoy the series. Today is very exciting for me, because I get to announce the winner of my […]

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The Secrets to a Passionate Life

July 23, 2008

I’m on a misson to find the secrets to a passionate life. What is passion? Where is it hiding? How can it be drawn out into the open? As our kids are getting older, I’m thinking about what it is that I’ll do when they go to school. I see it as the perfect opportunity […]

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Christmas in July – Gifts

July 22, 2008

One of the major tasks at Christmas time is organising gift giving. In my post, I suggested starting a list of possible gifts early in the year. This has a number of benefits: You won’t be in a flap come December trying to think of things to give someone. More time to think will quite […]

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Smiley Saturday

July 19, 2008

This week we received the Diggers Club magazine, chock full of vegetable seeds. We’ve all been flicking through the magazine trying to decide which vegies we should put in our new vegie garden. The kids think beetroot, cauliflower and broccoli would be good. I’d like to try pumpkins, cucumber, lettuce and beans. The Thinker wants […]

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Eat to save your life

July 18, 2008

Image via Wikipedia Earlier this week I watched Jamie Oliver’s Eat to Save Your Life. What a fascinating program. It was based around analysing the diet of a group of ordinary people and then shocking the pants off them by telling them what would happen if they didn’t change their bad food habits. I think […]

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5 Retro Tips for a Simpler Life

July 17, 2008

I read somewhere recently that the key to a simpler life was to live like it was 1940. If you ask me, life in the 1940’s was pretty tough compared to today’s standards – none of the conveniences that we have today. I’m sure if I was to live entirely like I was a 1940’s […]

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