I used to love my paper planner. When I got my first iPhone I ditched paper and have been a digi-girl ever since. I mostly use Omnifocus, but periodically go on a mission to find “the perfect planning system”. I’m here to tell you, I don’t think such a beast exists.
Over the last 12 months or so, I’ve felt like my digital system is failing me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong with it, but I was missing appointments, projects were going untouched for weeks/months. It then dawned on my that the problem wasn’t the digital system per se, but the fact that it was out of sight out of mind. If I didn’t open the specific app (Omnifocus, Week Calender, etc) the task/appointment didn’t exist.
Earlier this week I made a discovery. Two really. The first one was that my paper planner had suited my “in your face” requirement really well and there was no reason I couldn’t use it in conjuction with my digital system.
The second discovery was that there is a whole world of people out there that make their paper planners look cute! No boring, business-like Filofax pages. Some of these were works of art!
Imagine the combined efficiency of a digital brain for storing and high level planning combined with the right here, right now of a paper planner that looks pretty! I think I’m on to a winner.
I’m determined to make sure this cute combo system will work for me though, so before forking out hard earned dollars I’ve converted an old notebook. I’m loving the colourfulness, and so far it seems to be working. My only issue now is that I’m spending an inordinate amount of time lusting over Filofaxes.