Smiley Saturday

September 13, 2008

As I was eating breakfast this morning I was thinking about what I could write for a Smiley Saturday post. Then I read this from an entrant in Lightening’s traveling t-shirt’s series. I had tears rolling down my cheeks, especially from the new mother story. My husband didn’t believe anyone would do that, but those […]

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Where do babies come from?

September 10, 2008

It’s an innocent enough question from a three year old and one that I would expect to be able to answer with enough detail to satisfy, but vaguely enough so as not to encourage more difficult questions at this stage. So far our older kids (7 & 5) have been happy with the “you grew […]

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August Goals Review

September 8, 2008

We all know how disastrously I went in achieving my July goals. The question remains – did I do any better in August? Blogging Write two posts to schedule if I am away. I have the topics ready to go. I’ve been doing a bit of reading about producing articles/posts in a reasonable amount of […]

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Normal transmission will resume shortly

September 7, 2008

Well, I’ve had my little sabbatical. I’ve thought a lot about what it is I’m going to be doing with myself and how I’m going to go about doing it. No doubt I’ll change my mind about some things, but that’s OK – I’m allowed to 🙂 I’m planning to cut my posting frequency on […]

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Smiley Saturday – A little me time

August 30, 2008

One of has been to have a little quality me time. Theoretically, I should have me time every Monday morning when the kids are at school, kinder and childcare. However, it never usually works that way as I am usually helping in The Engineer’s classroom or taking care of committee duties at kinder. This morning […]

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What does the future hold?

August 27, 2008

Last month I blogged a little about . I feel like I’m at a bit of a cross-road as far as a career goes. I’ve been a stay-at-home mum for over seven years now and our youngest will be starting school in two years. It seems to me that now is the time to find […]

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