Menu Planning – Empty the Pantry

February 22, 2009

Well I was certainly shocked out of my holiday complacency last week when I had to pay the grocery bill.  It was horrendous.  So much so, that this week in my menu planning I’m attempting to use as much existing food from the pantry, fridge and freezer.  I’ve done the grocery shop for this week […]

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New Year’s Resolutions Checkup

February 19, 2009

Fifty days in, and I think it’s time for a check on how the New Year’s resolutions are going. I’m not generally a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions.  I tend to make at least one anyway just so I’ve got something to say when someone asks “So, what are your New Year’s resolutions?”  (Does […]

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Holiday Hangover

February 16, 2009

Hands up who’s struggling to get back to their real life routines after the school holidays. It can’t be just me, surely! After spending a week with my folks over Christmas, we were back home for 10 days, then off again for two weeks at the beach in our caravan. Then it was seven days […]

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Menu Planning

February 13, 2009

Now that I’m reluctantly pulling myself out of holiday mode (yes, I know holidays finished ages ago!), it’s time to think a bit more about what we’re eating and how much I’m spending on groceries.  Enter meal planning.  During the “normal” part of the year (that is when I’m not relaxing on one of our […]

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Victorian Bushfires

February 11, 2009

I’m sure by now you’ve all heard or read about the devastation caused by bushfires in Victoria over the last five days.  Fires are still burning out of control, although milder weather conditions are making the task of firefighters less difficult. Over 1,000 homes have been destroyed and as I write this there have been […]

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Confessions of a procrastinator

December 4, 2008

I was going to tweet this one little confession on Twitter. I cajoled my husband into buying a lovely old piano when we first moved into our new house, which he did on the proviso that I learn to play.  Of course I would learn, I said.  That’s the whole idea of buying one.  Why […]

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