Bits & Pieces

Smiley Saturday

June 7, 2008

It’s Smiley Saturday time again over at Lightening Online. Lightening gives some very sensible advice about looking after ourselves. It’s something that I think a lot of mums struggle with. It always seems that the kids, or husband, or community or friends need us, and of course we put them first. I’ve been reading The […]

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A new look

June 3, 2008

This morning I happened to look at Journeyer’s Chronicles on another computer using a different browser to mine. What I though was a nicely formatted theme was all higgeldy-piddeldy on the other computer. 🙁 Aaarrrgh! So guess what I’ve been doing all day? Tweaking, learning and tweaking again. The result is the blog theme you’re […]

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I’ve moved

May 9, 2008

Here I am on my new WordPress blog.  I’m still in the process of making things the way I want, so things may still change a little, but hopefully there won’t be any disruptions. What do you think of the new theme?  I like the fresh look and colours.  Even though the look is new, […]

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The importance of a routine for kids

April 24, 2008

The differences in the nature of children in the same family never ceases to amaze me. Cinderella (4) is very organised – down to putting her clothes for the next day out on the end of her bed before she goes to sleep. It’s not something we’ve taught her do do, it’s just part of […]

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Organising kids’ artwork

April 16, 2008

Earlier this week on Unclutterer there was a great idea about how to get rid of your adult childs’ clutter. The idea revolved around taking photos of your childs’ things, posting it on Flickr and getting them to sort it online. I have a similar method to keep my young kids’ things under control (before […]

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Photo of the Week

April 13, 2008

Here’s a shot of the wetlands at the end of the street.  I love how it changes from season to season.

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