I’ve been spending most of my internet time over at Redbubble, specifically the Australian Travel Photography & Writing group. A few weeks ago the hosting team was expanded, with one of the new members being yours truly. The team has been having a great time coming up with new ways to promote group members, help the group to grow and have some fun too. One of the most exciting projects is a group eMag – “Discover Australia” – that we’ll be launching in March. We’ve been super busy and I, for one, am loving it!
If you’re a long time visitor here, you’ve probably read (a few times) that I’m searching for my passion – something that I can grab by the horns, enjoy and earn a dollar from, too. The time is rapidly approaching when I need to make a decision. Little Mermaid starts 4yo kinder in the New Year and will be at school before I know it! So I’ve enrolled in a travel writing course and am clicking away like mad improving my photos. I’ve had the vague idea of a travel blog floating around in the back of my mind for a while too. It’s beginning to look like I’ll be up to pussy’s bow in 2010.
I love this blog, but find I’ve been uninspired to write here over the last little bit. That, coupled with the busyness of next year looming, makes me think it’s time for a change of tack. Instead of the how to’s and what I’ve learnt’s from times past, Journeyer’s Chronicles is going to become a much more personal blog. Brain dumps, cute/funny/awful things the kids do, the odd learning experience and, more than likely, travel and photography stuff – basically my life. It’s where I began before getting distracted. Actually, I’ve been heading in that direction the last few times I’ve posted. If the thought of this makes your eyes water, I truly won’t be offended if you unsubscribe now 🙂
Just in case I’m not back beforehand, I’d like to wish all my readers a very merry Christmas and a fantastic 2010. If you’re travelling, as we will be, stay safe.

Congratulations on enrolling in the travel writing course, wishing all the best for your studies in 2010.